
Posts Tagged ‘uppababy vista’

Let me preface this post by saying that milestones are wonderful.  It is great to see your child growing up and experiencing something new.  My son is now almost 14 months old and so much has happened.  The latest milestone is the turning of his convertible Britax Boulevard car seat from rear to forward facing.  It is one of the saddest milestones to occur.  It means that he has truly stopped being a baby.  I remember when he no longer fit into bassinet part of his UppaBaby Vista stroller.  It was a very difficult time for me because it signified to me the end of his infancy.  I think that a lot of our feelings are irrational and could be viewed as silly by others.  However, my posts are not meant to be very serious and I am the first to admit that these feelings are a bit silly.  Of course our children are going to grow and get older.  I guess it just feels a little fast sometimes.  One last thought – time does pass by quickly so try to enjoy each milestone to the fullest because they are fleeting.

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We got our Uppa Baby Vista stroller as a gift and I love it! The whole system is so easy to use from the car seat adapter to the bassinet to the toddler seat.  I have been happy with every part of this stroller.  Recently I have noticed that the stroller makes a noise when I push it.  I called customer service today and they could not have nicer about trying to figure out what is wrong.  They are sending me out a new set of wheels tomorrow and were so gracious about the whole process.  They explained that they have to get the wheels from the warehouse so they couldn’t be sent out until tomorrow.  They seemed genuinely concerned about my problem and wanted to fix it.  I was happy with the stroller now I am happy with the company!!  Thank you UppaBaby!!

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Uppa Baby VistaThe Uppa Baby Vista stroller has been described as part sports car, part super-utility vehicle.  It has been compared to the Bugaboo as it most closely resembles the Bugaboo model.  However, there are a few key differences that exist between the two strollers.  The Vista has foam-filled tires that never go flat. It also has a pop-out canopy extension which provides 30% more sun coverage. The Vista also has a slight height advantage when the bassinet is on the stroller, which means you don’t have to reach as far to pick up your newborn.  The major difference is price.  The Vista costs about $669.99 while the Bugaboo Cameleon costs $879.99.  I have not investigated the Bugaboo Cameleon in person in great detail so am not trying to sway the reader one way or the other.  The Vista provides a nice, less expensive alternative for those who cannot afford to spend over $950 (tax is very high in NYC).

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